Reds Racing Off-Road Air Filters
After several months of testing in different conditions we are glad to release Reds Racing High Density Air filters. Reds High density...

Reds Racing 721 Pista on-road engine
REDS Racing is excited to introduce a new super powerful 7 ports on-road engine called 721 Pista. Why a new line of on-road engines?...

Reds New X-ONE High Torque exhaust System
We are glad to release a new ‘High Torque’ version of Reds Racing X-ONE pipe-header system. Reds Racing X-ONE 2143 High Torque One-Piece...

Reds Racing Pit strategy App!
Here is the new Reds Racing app for Android and iOS. You can calculate fuel mileage and make your pit strategy!...

Elliott Boots Continues with Reds Racing!
We are happy to announce that multi-champion Elliott Boots has signed his contract with REDS Racing for other 2 years. Boots will be...

New 721 Superveloce (Superfast)
Due to the success of 721 Superveloce Limited edition 3.5cc off-road engine we have decided to release a new continuative version that...

Canas conitunes with Reds Racing!
We are happy to announce that multi Spanish Champion Juan Carlos Canas has signed his contract with REDS Racing for other 2 years. Canas...

Yuichi Kanai Continues with Reds Racing!
We are glad to announce that Yuichi Kanai continues with #RedsRacing for another year. Yuichi signed for the first time with Reds in 2015...

REDS VX3 1/10 Motors ROAR Approved!
REDS Racing VX3 Modified and Stock 1/10 electric motors are now ROAR approved! Approved Models: Modified: 4.5 - 5.5 - 6.5 - 7.5 - 8.5...

Reds Racing High Airflow Cooling fans
Reds Racing have introduced their new 30mm and 40mm high airflow cooling fans to improve brushless electric motors cooling efficiency....