Boots Wins Silver State 2019!
Elliott Boots is the big winner at the Silver State Nitro Challenge which was held this past weekend in Las Vegas. Boots would win ahead...

Reds New 1/10 ZX PRO ESC
Reds Racing announces the all new 160A ZX PRO ESC for 1/10 RC car racing. After a year of continuous development, REDS has reached a new...

Boots wins at BRCA 1/10 buggy Rd1
The first round of the BRCA 1/10th Buggy National Championship was held at the famous Robin Hood Raceway in Worksop, UK. In the 4WD...

Boots continues with Reds!
We are happy to announce that multi European Champion Elliott Boots has signed his contract with REDS Racing for other 2 years. Boots...

REDS Racing 721 Scuderia
REDS Racing is excited to introduce a new generation nitro off-road engines called S Line. The first engine of the S Line is a 7 ports...

Boots Wins 2019 Montpellier GP!
Last weekend was held The Montpellier Gp in France. It was an amazing weekend for #RedsRacing since Factory Team driver Elliott Boots...

Valente re-signs with Reds Racing!
Siamo lieti di annunciare che il giovane e talentuoso pilota italiano Leonardo Valente farà parte del team Reds Racing anche per l’anno...

Boots wins Montpellier GP warm-up
This past weekend was held the warm-up of the 2019 Montpellier GP in France. The warm-up attracted some of the best national and...

REDS New 2350 KV and 2800 KV Motors!
Reds racing has widened their 1/8 electric range with 2350 KV and 2800KV GEN 2 Brushless Motors. The new models have been developed...

REDS sign Cody King again!
2019 and the journey with Cody King picks up where it left off for REDS. Cody and his dad Paul were integral in the advancement of the...