Canas TQ&Win at Spanish Nats!
Juan Carlos Canas Carrasco TQ&Win at the last round of 2018 Spanish Championships! We are really proud of his result since Canas joined...

Canas Joins Reds Racing!
We are very happy to announce that the Spanish driver Juan Carlos Canas Carrasco has joined REDS Racing Team for 2019 and 2020 racing...

NEW WR5 ITALIA Limited Edition
Reds Racing is happy to announce that the new WR5 Italia Limited Edition engine is now available. The new WR5 Italia is based on WR5...

Yuichi Kanai Re-Signs with Reds Racing!
REDS Racing is happy to announce that Yuichi Kanai has re-signed his contract for 2019 season. REDS Racing are very pleased about the...
Maifield dismissed from Reds Team!
Following the events that occurred during the IFMAR World Championship 2018 in Australia, we wanted to announce that Ryan Maifield has...

New WRX HE 3.4CC
REDS Racing is pleased to release their new WRX High Efficiency 3.4cc engine.The new engine has specifically been developed to noticeably...

Buggyland Race Report
The Buggyland 5.0 was held last weekend in Madrid, Spain. In Nitro Buggy Main Final Factory team driver Elliott Boots finished 2nd behind...

Reds Racing GP
The second edition of the Reds Racing GP has just ended, it was held at "The King Off-Road" track in Gussago. A lot of people from Europe...

Lars Hoppe Wins German Nationals!
Last weekend the German nationals were held at the beautiful Minidrom Ettlingen track in the South of the country. It was a very...

Maifield wins The Dual race at Thunder Alley!
Ryan Maifield wins The Dual at Thunder Alley! #RedsRacing#GivesYouPower #WR7 2.0 🔥🔥🔥 Race Report by Ryan Maifield: Made a quick trip...